
Was your flight
Delayed or Cancelled?

You could claim up to £520/€600 per passenger in compensation!


Have you had a flight delayed or cancelled in the last 6 years?

Where were the flights to and from and the date of departure?

Was it a direct flight?
What was the problem of the flight you encountered?

Please choose your flight from the list below

to on

What was the reason for the delay?

Enter your postcode

We are just reviewing your application

Good news.. based upon the details so far you could be eligible for a refund.

Your Details

Date of Birth

Other Passengers

Did you know that you can also claim for the other passengers travelling with you? An average family of 4 could claim over £2,000 in compensation.

In order to be able to submit a claim we just need your signature.

By signing below I confirm that I have read and understood Jet Delayed's terms and conditions and have authorisation to submit all passenger details. I agree to have my electronic signature applied to Jet Delayed's assignment form/power of attorney to allow a claim to be submitted on behalf of all passengers.

Use your finger or mouse to draw your signature in the dotted box below.


Your Signature

Thank You

Your Claim has been Submitted

Other Passenger Signatures

Since you were traveling as part of a group, each adult passenger must sign to authorise Jet Delayed to process their claim. If they are not with you to sign, please share the link below via SMS or Whatsapp with each passenger so they don’t miss out on up-to £520/€600 each.

Please have each additional passenger sign below to confirm their agreement.

Share the below link to the remaining passengers to sign.

Thank you for submitting your claim. Our QC team will assess your flight details and the circumstances that may have caused your delay and submit your claim if your claim is valid. If you have added details of any passengers who fall under the minor category (under 18) as per our terms, their claim will be submitted alongside yours.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer care team on Our customer care team are on hand to answer any questions you may have throughout the entire process.

We help you with

Flights Problems

We can check if you are entitled for compensation for flights from as far back as 6 years ago.

Delayed flights

In the event that your flight experiences a delay of 3 hours or longer, you could potentially qualify for compensation as per UK/EU legislation.

Cancelled flights

Should your flight be unexpectedly cancelled, you might have grounds for compensation according to UK/EU regulations. In cases where an alternative flight isn't provided, you also retain the right to request a refund for your ticket.

Denied Boarding

Our coverage is specifically for situations involving involuntary boarding denials, which are the only instances eligible for airline compensation due to overbooking.

Air Passenger Rights

Regulation (UK/EC) 261/2004 safeguards your rights as an air passenger. This regulation establishes consistent entitlements for flight compensation when flights are delayed by over 3 hours, cancelled, or overbooked.

Millions of Passengers

Can Claim up to £520/€600 from the airline

We are here to help you!


Up to 1500km


From 3000km to 4500km


From 1500km to 3000km


More than 4500km

Why Choose

Jet Delayed?


We manage your entire claim, ensuring a seamless journey from start to receiving compensation.

No win, no fee

All legal fees are covered by us, and our fee is contingent on your successful compensation.

Leave it to Us

We assist you in with the necessary documents and handle their submission on your behalf.

Stay Informed

Expect consistent updates from us as we keep you informed and address any queries you may have.

Check Compensation

With Jet Delayed

It’s That Simple !


Submit your flight claim

Whether you're dealing with a delay, cancellation, denied boarding, rebooking, or missed connection, we're here to assist you.


Enforce your claim

We exert pressure on the airline and are prepared to take legal action if required. All of this is done with ease and without any risk to you.


Receive your money

As soon as we receive your funds, we will promptly transfer the money to you minus our fee. We only get paid if you do.

See If We Can Help

Flight Delay Claims are covered by our No Win, No Fee service. If there is no refund, there is no charge for the service. You don't need to upload any documents, an expert team will do all the hard work for you.

Start Your Claim

Frequently Asked Questions

Are flight delay claims No Win, No Fee?

They are. If your claim isn’t successful, then you won’t be charged a penny. You only get charged if your claim succeeds. Although any fees will be deducted from your compensation, the main thing is that you will receive a payout for the inconvenience you received from the airline.

Can I make a flight delay claim myself?

You can, but airlines try to argue issues weren’t their fault to avoid paying out. Sometimes it can be much easier to use a claims management company as they will battle your case for you and won’t rest until you’ve got the compensation you deserve.

What happens if the airline rejects the claim?

If the airline is at fault but they’ve rejected your claim, you are able to escalate it even further to the regulator and potentially to court. Using a claims management company can make this process go smoothly as they have a team of legal experts who can win your case on your behalf.

Does this count for UK to EU flights and vice versa?

Yes. After Brexit, the UK turned the EU flight regulations into law, extending the same protection to UK based airlines. This means you can claim for a UK flight to the EU and EU flights to the UK.

Can I claim for multiple flights?

Yes, you can. Any flight that was delayed and which the airline was at fault can be claimed on.

Is the compensation per passenger?

Yes, it is. Any amount of compensation is for each passenger, so if you were on a family holiday, you can potentially claim for thousands at a time.